October 25th, 2016 I had the pleasure to go to a forum about gun violence, racism, and art. I got to meet Marlos Evans and a few more great artist. I thought the forum was amazing. I am an Urban Studies/ Community Develop major and an art minor. It lined up with everything I am trying to do in life, such as uniting the community to come together, clean up the urban community and use art to do so. It will allow the youth and citizens of the urban community take pride in their cities. I thought it was interesting that one of the artist was automatically blamed to be the problem when he was the actually the victim, trying to protect a female. I agree with Mr. McBride on the fact that we have been dealing with cops killings and racism. I get frustrated because my generation is all talk but not a bout action. That is why I have decided to actually go into a field that will help better the lives of Blacks and other minorities in America. I also have implemented the whole anger can be used to make something beautiful conversation. That conversation spoke to me and allowed me to channel my anger fuel something great.
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